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最近显示外部眼睛照片显示出糖尿病性视网膜疾病和HBA1C升高的迹象。在本文中,我们评估外部眼睛照片是否包含有关其他系统性医疗状况的信息。我们开发了一个深度学习系统(DLS),该系统将外部眼睛的照片作为输入,并预测多个全身参数,例如与肝脏有关的参数(白蛋白,AST);肾脏(EGFR使用无种族的2021 CKD-EPI肌酐方程,尿液ACR);骨与矿物质(钙);甲状腺(TSH);和血数(HGB,WBC,血小板)。开发利用了49,015例糖尿病患者的151,237张图像,在加利福尼亚州洛杉矶县的11个地点接受糖尿病眼镜筛查。评估重点是9个预先指定的全身参数,并利用了3个验证集(a,b,c),涵盖了28,869名患有和没有糖尿病的患者,在加利福尼亚州洛杉矶县和大亚特兰大地区的3个独立地点进行了眼睛筛查。我们将结合了可用临床人口统计学变量的基线模型(例如年龄,性别,种族/种族,糖尿病年)进行了比较。相对于基线,DLS在检测AST> 36,钙<8.6,egfr <60,HGB <11,血小板<150,ACR> = 300和WBC <4时,在检测AST> 36,钙<8.6,Egfr <60,HGB <60,HGB <60,calcium <8.6,Egfr <60,calcium <8.6和wbc <4时,达到了统计学上的显着性能,并且类似于开发集的人口),其中DLS的AUC超过基线的AUC,增长了5.2-19.4%。在验证集B和C方面,与开发集相比,患者人群的差异很大,DLS的表现优于ACR> = 300的基线,而HGB <11升至7.3-13.2%。我们的发现提供了进一步的证据,表明外部眼睛照片包含跨越多器官系统的全身健康生物标志物。需要进一步的工作来研究这些生物标志物是否以及如何转化为临床影响。
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医疗人工智能(AI)的最新进展已提供了可以达到临床专家水平绩效的系统。但是,当在与训练环境不同的临床环境中评估时,这种系统往往会证明次优的“分布式”性能。一种常见的缓解策略是使用特定地点数据为每个临床环境开发单独的系统[1]。但是,这很快变得不切实际,因为医疗数据很耗时,可以注释且昂贵[2]。因此,“数据有效概括”的问题给医学AI开发带来了持续的困难。尽管代表性学习的进展显示出希望,但并未对其好处进行严格的研究,特别是用于分布的设置。为了应对这些挑战,我们提出了RESEDIS,这是一种统一的代表学习策略,以提高医学成像AI的鲁棒性和数据效率。雷雷迪斯使用大规模监督转移学习与自我监督学习的通用组合,几乎不需要特定于任务的自定义。我们研究各种医学成像任务,并使用回顾性数据模拟三个现实的应用程序场景。 RESEDIS表现出明显改善的分布性能,而在强有力的基线上,诊断准确性相对相对提高了11.5%。更重要的是,我们的策略会导致对医学成像AI的强大数据有效的概括,并使用跨任务的1%至33%的重新培训数据匹配强有力的监督基线。这些结果表明,Repedis可以显着加速医学成像AI开发的生命周期,从而为医学成像AI提供了重要的一步,以产生广泛的影响。
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近年来,3D对象检测已疯狂地研究,特别是对于机器人感知系统。但是,现有的3D对象检测位于闭合状态条件下,这意味着网络只能输出培训的类盒。不幸的是,这种封闭式条件不够强大,因为实际使用,因为它将识别错误的未知对象。因此,在本文中,我们提出了一个开放式3D对象检测器,其旨在(1)识别已知对象,如闭合设置检测,并且(2)识别未知对象并提供其准确的边界框。具体而言,我们将开放式3D对象检测问题分为两个步骤:(1)找出包含具有高概率的未知对象的区域和(2)用适当的边界框封闭这些区域的点。第一步是通过该发现,未知对象通常被归类为具有低置信度的已知对象,并且我们表明基于度量学习的欧几里德距离总和是比天真的Softmax概率与来自已知对象区分区别的更好的置信度。 。在此基础上,使用无人监督的群集来改进未知对象的边界框。所提出的方法组合度量学习和无监督群集称为MLUC网络。我们的实验表明,我们的MLUC网络实现了最先进的性能,可以根据预期识别已知和未知的物体。
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Dataset distillation has emerged as a prominent technique to improve data efficiency when training machine learning models. It encapsulates the knowledge from a large dataset into a smaller synthetic dataset. A model trained on this smaller distilled dataset can attain comparable performance to a model trained on the original training dataset. However, the existing dataset distillation techniques mainly aim at achieving the best trade-off between resource usage efficiency and model utility. The security risks stemming from them have not been explored. This study performs the first backdoor attack against the models trained on the data distilled by dataset distillation models in the image domain. Concretely, we inject triggers into the synthetic data during the distillation procedure rather than during the model training stage, where all previous attacks are performed. We propose two types of backdoor attacks, namely NAIVEATTACK and DOORPING. NAIVEATTACK simply adds triggers to the raw data at the initial distillation phase, while DOORPING iteratively updates the triggers during the entire distillation procedure. We conduct extensive evaluations on multiple datasets, architectures, and dataset distillation techniques. Empirical evaluation shows that NAIVEATTACK achieves decent attack success rate (ASR) scores in some cases, while DOORPING reaches higher ASR scores (close to 1.0) in all cases. Furthermore, we conduct a comprehensive ablation study to analyze the factors that may affect the attack performance. Finally, we evaluate multiple defense mechanisms against our backdoor attacks and show that our attacks can practically circumvent these defense mechanisms.
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In recent years, arbitrary image style transfer has attracted more and more attention. Given a pair of content and style images, a stylized one is hoped that retains the content from the former while catching style patterns from the latter. However, it is difficult to simultaneously keep well the trade-off between the content details and the style features. To stylize the image with sufficient style patterns, the content details may be damaged and sometimes the objects of images can not be distinguished clearly. For this reason, we present a new transformer-based method named STT for image style transfer and an edge loss which can enhance the content details apparently to avoid generating blurred results for excessive rendering on style features. Qualitative and quantitative experiments demonstrate that STT achieves comparable performance to state-of-the-art image style transfer methods while alleviating the content leak problem.
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In recent years, the Transformer architecture has shown its superiority in the video-based person re-identification task. Inspired by video representation learning, these methods mainly focus on designing modules to extract informative spatial and temporal features. However, they are still limited in extracting local attributes and global identity information, which are critical for the person re-identification task. In this paper, we propose a novel Multi-Stage Spatial-Temporal Aggregation Transformer (MSTAT) with two novel designed proxy embedding modules to address the above issue. Specifically, MSTAT consists of three stages to encode the attribute-associated, the identity-associated, and the attribute-identity-associated information from the video clips, respectively, achieving the holistic perception of the input person. We combine the outputs of all the stages for the final identification. In practice, to save the computational cost, the Spatial-Temporal Aggregation (STA) modules are first adopted in each stage to conduct the self-attention operations along the spatial and temporal dimensions separately. We further introduce the Attribute-Aware and Identity-Aware Proxy embedding modules (AAP and IAP) to extract the informative and discriminative feature representations at different stages. All of them are realized by employing newly designed self-attention operations with specific meanings. Moreover, temporal patch shuffling is also introduced to further improve the robustness of the model. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed modules in extracting the informative and discriminative information from the videos, and illustrate the MSTAT can achieve state-of-the-art accuracies on various standard benchmarks.
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Machine learning models are typically evaluated by computing similarity with reference annotations and trained by maximizing similarity with such. Especially in the bio-medical domain, annotations are subjective and suffer from low inter- and intra-rater reliability. Since annotations only reflect the annotation entity's interpretation of the real world, this can lead to sub-optimal predictions even though the model achieves high similarity scores. Here, the theoretical concept of Peak Ground Truth (PGT) is introduced. PGT marks the point beyond which an increase in similarity with the reference annotation stops translating to better Real World Model Performance (RWMP). Additionally, a quantitative technique to approximate PGT by computing inter- and intra-rater reliability is proposed. Finally, three categories of PGT-aware strategies to evaluate and improve model performance are reviewed.
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